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While I was on my first solo trip from Arizona, I just kept writing about my experience while I was there. Mostly because when you’re alone you have a lot of thoughts and not many people to talk to them about and this was my way of processing my experience. When I got home, I wanted to make a blog out of my experiences, as well as what I learned about myself during my adventures and I decided that’s what I want this blog to be.

More about processing than telling.

More about sharing what I found along the way by being spontaneous than claiming this is the best place I ever visited and this is where you should go too.

More about leading others to where they can find their own inspiration without giving them all the answers, the way a good muse does, organically.

Hi again, I’m Janelle and this is my blog (yay!), The Organic Muse is where you’ll find: things I find inspiring during my travels and every day explorations in New York City, musings on spirituality and the journey to unleashing your most beautiful powerful self, way too many photos of the back of my blonde head, stories from strangers who’ve touched my soul, and so much more!

And like it or not, if you’re reading this, you’re on this journey with me now because I believe sometimes we all need to go elsewhere in order to find inspiration that’s within ourselves.